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Simon Says (Friends and Lovers) Page 6

"Have you ever played Simon Says?" he asked as he rolled off of her and threw her over his shoulder.

  "Simon!" she cried out between peals of laughter.

  Simon just smacked her on the ass and headed up the stairs to find her bedroom.

  "Sweetheart, I’ve got six weeks to make up for and I’m just getting started."


  About the Author

  Gillian Colbert discovered writing later in life, but is now addicted to words, syllables and phrases. She loves books and stories of all shapes, sizes and genres, but most of all, Gillian loves to write about people overcoming their insecurities and finding their mate. After all, risk and passion are what make life worth living.

  In her spare time, Gillian is a mother and dog owner. Her two Pitbulls have proven to be a love story in and of themselves. Every day, their affection and bond grows and deepens. In truth, their deep canine affection with its angst, joy, play and encouragement is inspiration for Gillian. Everyone should love so purely.

  See how it all began in Forbidden Fruit ...

  Marlie Newburn is a respected professor at the local college with an indecent secret ... she wants to have sex with not one, but two of her students. Adon Taylor and Simon Cain want Marlie just as bad, but she keeps them at a distance. Can they break through the wall of resistance? Can she keep them at bay? Or, will an afternoon of sun and heat finally give Marlie a taste of that forbidden fruit


  Mirrors should be outlawed.

  Marlie Newburn stared critically at herself in the full-length mirror hanging over the back of her bedroom door. It wasn’t that she didn’t like what she saw. In truth, she did quite well for 34. Her dark, auburn hair was completely natural with not one strand of gray. Her skin was clear, though fair, and her hazel eyes favored green on most days. Her lips were full and rosy enough that she could get away with a swipe of lip gloss rather than needing lipstick.

  Her body was petite and trim. She wasn’t chunky, but she had a smidge too much body fat to be described as athletic. Her breasts were small, but nicely shaped and she had full-hips with, thankfully, no cellulite in sight. The leopard bikini she wore set off her assets, pun intended, quite well.

  No, she couldn’t complain about her looks. It was her age that she had a problem with. At 34 she was officially dancing with middle-age and every time she looked in the mirror she expected to see a wrinkle or age spot, something that proved she wasn’t young any longer.

  Normally, she wouldn’t care about her age. After all, it was just a number, but being confronted on a regular basis with her personal wet dream in the flesh made it hard not to feel like a cradle-robber especially when the objects of said wet dream were 10 years her junior.

  Marlie was an accomplished author and professor of creative writing at the local university in the small town of River Rock, Vermont. She’d taught full-time at the school for the last five years and loved her job immensely. She taught seniors, so she was able to be a bit more creative with the curriculum and, by senior year, most of the students in her class were serious English students or at the very least were mature adults.

  That particular bit of knowledge didn’t, however, help her reconcile her attraction to not one, but two of her writing students. Adon Taylor and Simon Cain had turned her inside out the moment she had walked into her classroom at the beginning of the spring term.

  Her classes were always small and this one was no exception. Rather than a large hall, her lectures took place in a small classroom which meant a much more intimate setting for discussion. Normally, she enjoyed the close quarters. She found the physical proximity often lent itself to more lively discussion.

  This semester, the physical closeness to her students was sheer torture. She was literally within touching distance of the objects of her fantasy each and every class. And, to make matters worse, they sat smack in the middle of the front row.

  Marlie usually roamed the class. She found it helped engage the students. With Adon and Simon positioned in the center two seats of a row of four, it meant that regardless of where she went she had to pass them.

  Moving past them meant contact in one fashion or another. The silk of their skin brushing hers dazzled her senses each time and left her reeling. After the third time she lost her train of thought because of some incidental contact, Marlie stayed behind her desk or at the chalkboard.

  This also meant that she saw them every time she looked out at the class. To say it was distracting was an understatement. Taken individually, they were each uniquely stunning. Adon was tall and lean with an athletically muscled body that rippled with his movements. He was a student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and it showed in the graceful, light way he moved as if gravity didn’t really affect him.

  He owed his coloring to a Native American ancestry that had become obscured at some point with other less exotic genetics, but he retained the hairless skin and high cheekbones. He had ebony black hair that glinted blue in the light and his eyes were so black, you couldn’t see where pupil met iris. It was like looking into two pools of midnight so dark you could drown in them.

  She shivered at the memory of those eyes fixed on her. He never seemed to look away. Every time she looked up she found him staring at her. Only when she assigned in-class writing prompts did she get a respite from his intensity.

  When he looked at her, she felt as if he could read her secrets in her eyes. The last thing she needed was for him to realize exactly how he affected her. She desired him in a way she’d never desired anyone else. Even Simon, for all that she wanted him, didn't hit her with the same intensity that Adon did.

  Simon Cain was as intense as Adon, he just hid it better. While Adon rarely spoke, Simon spoke frequently and with an ease that made it simple to overlook his intelligence and insight until it was too late and you’d already exposed yourself.

  Simon was less exotic than Adon, but no less beautiful. He was solidly built with broad shoulders and a heavily muscled body. With deep, velvety brown hair that hung in shaggy waves around his face and sapphire-blue eyes, Simon possessed a rugged fierceness that reminded her more of warriors from ages past rather than the computer geek he was.

  Individually, they knocked her breathless and speechless, but when you put them together, she was practically comatose. She’d spent most of the first class imagining them naked and erect. Wondering how it would feel to be pressed between those young, hungry bodies.

  She’d never been more grateful for wool sweaters and jeans than she was on that day. She’d been wet and her nipples were hard and aching by the end of that class. It had been the longest 90 minutes of her life.

  Every class since then had been worse. Some days it took everything she had not to launch herself at one or both of them, rip their clothes off and suck on what promised to be delectable penises if the size of their bulges were any indication.

  The worst moment had been when she’d allowed herself to slip into a daydream about them while the class finished a prompt. In it, Adon laid her over the desk and slipped his warm, velvet tongue inside her pussy while Simon slid his cock inside her mouth and she sucked on him hard and long.

  The fantasy had been vivid and intense and only when the slap of someone’s notebook hitting the floor had penetrated her sensual fog had she come back to her senses. She'd been horrified to find her hand sliding under her sweater to her hardened nipples and both Adon and Simon looking at her with narrowed, heated eyes. She’d flushed with shame and quickly excused herself to the ladies room where it was several long moments before she could collect herself.

  After that, it was as if they never took their eyes off of her. She felt them watching her every second. Class had become a test of her will and capacity for self-restraint as she fought the fantasy of them and the desire to make that fantasy real.

  Then, as if just getting through class wasn’t hard enough, Adon had specifically asked for her to mentor them both as they co-wrote a novel based on Simon’s popular
video game. So, in addition to the two classes a week, she saw them at her home every Friday to provide notes and suggestions on their novel.

  Marlie had tried to get them to come during her regular office hours, but they had sworn up and down that they couldn’t concentrate in such cramped confines. When she’d suggested the library, they’d said they couldn’t relax there. In the end, she’d relented and allowed them to come to her house.

  Today was the last of those sessions. The semester had ended and final grades were submitted, but they had one last manuscript session. They’d completed their final chapter and submitted it to her last week. She was planning on handing it back this afternoon with some final notes and wishing them well. After that, she would get back to her simple and ordinary life.

  The thought made her sad. The mentoring sessions were hard, but only because they tested her limits and left her horny and dissatisfied when the men left. Spending time with them, though, was as easy as apple pie.

  It had surprised her at first, because she’d been so nervous, but she was quickly at ease with them. Adon was so serious and intense, but every now and then he’d let her make him laugh. When he smiled it was as if someone had set off firecrackers in her belly. Her blood sang when he smiled. It lit up his face and sparkled in his eyes. She made it a priority to make him laugh as often as she could.

  She knew some of his background, enough to know it had been hard and that Simon’s family had taken him in. That they’d both taken a few years and worked as computer programmers before going to college which made them several years older than her other seniors. She and Adon had finished many of these sessions just talking over coffee.

  Simon, on the other hand, was much more of a mystery. He hid a deep intelligence and razor wit under a facade of carefree laziness. He was affable and fun to be around, but he never let anyone except Adon know what he was really thinking.

  Simon was the creator of a first person shooter video game that had grown to such popularity on campus that it had been bought by a local software company. Adon, the more literary of the two, was writing a novel based on the game with Simon as co-author. Hence, the mentoring.

  The sessions had become something she looked forward to as much as she dreaded them. She and Adon had gotten to know each other over the course of the semester and she cared for him more than she was willing to examine. It confused her at times that she wanted to screw both men, though, if she had to choose only one, Adon was top pick hands down. It didn’t matter really. The sessions were over after today.

  A wave of sadness came over her and she fought it back. Why be sad? She was never going to do anything about this ridiculous attraction and they would be leaving school after graduation. She was going to let them go that simple.

  Get your head in the game, Marlie!

  She was going to say her good-byes and forget all about Adon Taylor and Simon Cain. She could get through one last session. And, to ensure she was able to do so, she was going to lay out by the pool for a while and soak in the afternoon sun along with some tunes. She needed to relax if she was going to get through this last meeting with her nerves intact.

  Marlie headed out toward her small, postage stamp pool. At the last minute, her confidence failed her and she detoured into the kitchen for a drink. Her nerves were ragged at the thought of Adon and Simon in her house for the last time. She didn't trust herself and she wanted some liquid courage to help the relaxing begin.

  Part of her regretted that she’d never see her two students again. Never taste them or feel their bodies penetrate hers. Marlie groaned as heat flooded her body. Her pussy throbbed at the mere thought of them. She gripped the counter for support as her knees weakened under the onslaught of her desire.

  She breathed deeply for several breaths and, collecting herself, mixed up a whiskey sour. A very strong whiskey sour. God only knew how she’d get through this afternoon.

  Whisky sour in hand, she plopped down on her favorite chaise lounge and began to rub SPF 50 Coppertone into her exposed skin. The irony wasn’t lost on her, but she didn’t want to burn. She wanted to soak in some heat and sun and just vegetate for a while not turn into a burnt crisp.

  Marlie closed her eyes and did her best to blank out images of Adon and Simon from her mind. She tried hard to think about something other than what their lips would feel like on her body. It was a lost cause.

  Marlie downed her whiskey sour in a few rapid gulps. I really need to get laid, maybe then I’ll forget about them.

  With a forlorn sigh, Marlie called up her favorite playlist on her iPod, put her headphones in, closed her eyes and just floated with the music.

  As she drifted off, Marlie wished it was Adon and Simon pounding into her rather than beat of the song.


  Simon Cain and Adon Taylor stood outside the gate of Professor Newburn’s backyard and contemplated the scene before them. The professor was stretched out on a chaise lounge clearly asleep, but she had headphones in and wasn’t responding to their calls. The yard was small, but she was on the opposite end of a tiny, kidney shaped pool which put her as far away from them as it was possible to be.

  “What do you think? Jump it?” Simon asked as he studied the tall, wooden fence critically.

  It was a typical privacy fence, but the wood was warped in places allowing for gaps between the slats.

  Adon shook his head and indicated the lock. “Should be easy to pick.”

  Simon took a closer look and nodded his agreement. “Got a card of some kind on you?” he reached a hand out toward Adon without looking up.

  Adon dug his driver’s license out of his wallet and handed it over. Simon jimmied the card into the gap between fence and gate and pushed upward. The gate popped open with a soft snick and swung inward.

  Simon closed the gate behind them, making sure to lock it again and together they walked over to the professor.

  Adon was reaching out to shake her when Simon grabbed his wrist to stop him.

  “No,” he hissed. “Don’t wake her.”

  Adon just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “She wants us,” Simon said. “She’s just afraid to come get us. I say, let’s help her along with that decision.”

  “Elaborate please.”

  “I want a taste of her. Hell, you want her worse than I do and if she’s fully awake, she’s going to fight it. But,” Simon smiled wickedly at Adon, “if she wakes up with us already tasting her, she may stop it, but at least we’ll already know what it’s like.”

  Adon’s gaze dropped to the professor. Simon watched his friend look her over from head to toe. The professor was lovely, laid out in a barely there bikini that did little to cover and much to titillate. Adon’s eyes paused for intent moments over her tight, pert breasts and flat, pelvis. When he looked again at Simon, his eyes burned.

  “She’ll be mad at us.”

  “Maybe,” Simon allowed. “Or, maybe, she’ll finally quit acting like we’ve got the plague and do what she’s wanted to do all along.”

  “Just a taste though. Nothing more,” Adon insisted.

  Simon snorted, “Oh, there will be more if I have my way, but she’ll be fully awake and participating.”

  Simon knelt by the Professor’s side and reached for the ties he saw peeking out from behind her neck. Slowly, so slowly, he pulled the laces to unravel the bow holding her top up. She murmured and shifted turning her head away from him, but she remained asleep.

  Simon gently pulled back the top of her bikini to expose her breasts to the sun. Her breasts were round and full, despite being on the small-side. Her nipples were large and rosy pink. The late afternoon breeze whispered in the air and her nipples tightened.

  Those sweet buds called to him and his cock leapt to attention in response. Judging from the tent in Adon's shorts, he felt the same way.

  Simon cleared his throat and said, “It’s now or never.”

  Adon’s gaze was fixated on the professor’s nipples, his
eyes never moved as he responded, “Now.”

  Together, they leaned over the professor and sucked her nipples into their hot, hungry mouths.


  Warm, wet suction pulled at her nipples sending pulses of pleasure throughout her body. Both nipples were engulfed and she knew she dreamed of them. Only in her dreams of Adon and Simon did she experience the twin pleasures that no one man could produce.

  Marlie opened her eyes and gloried in the picture they presented as they laved the tips of her breasts. Their pink tongues rasped wetly around each distended tip before they suckled her in long, hard draws. Their eyes were closed, but each wore a look of ravenous hunger as if they could eat her up, literally.

  They knelt on either side of her. Both were dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. Adon’s shirt was loose and bore the logo of a local Jiu-Jitsu academy. It hid the muscular perfection of his body, much to her disappointment. He had on loose cargo shorts and flip-flops. The sun glinted off his hair causing hints of blue fire to flicker in the silky strands.

  Simon’s simple black T-shirt was tighter and molded nicely to his broad shoulders, but it hung more loosely at the waist where his stomach and hips narrowed. He too wore cargo style khaki shorts, but had chosen tennis shoes. She wondered why they had clothes on. They were usually naked in her dreams.

  Marlie’s pussy spasmed as pleasure swamped her body. Ripples of desire pulsated through her in tempo with their sucking. With a long, low moan, Marlie reached out and laid her hands on both of their heads while she arched into their mouths. At her touch they both froze.

  “No, don’t stop,” she whispered. “Suck me.”

  Her nipples popped out of their mouths with a slurp as they raised their heads and gazed at her. The desire and need in their eyes raised goosebumps on her skin.

  “Are you sure, Professor?” Simon asked. His voice was husky and deeper than she’d ever heard.